
Inspired by the natural phenomena

Our brand refers to the northern origin of our solution. Aurion is an embedded system, that generates ionized air, which is blown to the cutting surface of the workpiece. Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons. Similar to the process of Aurion, the Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis) occur in conjunction with air and electric charging. Electrically charged particles collide with the ionosphere of the Earth.

Leadership Team

Harri Sundvik

Harri Sundvik

Executive Chairman

Harri has worked almost 30 years in the City of London in investment banking with focus on technology mergers & acquisitions and equity capital raising – initially with JPMorgan from 1987 till 2006, and subsequently as Vice Chairman for Bank of America Merrill Lynch from 2006 until 2016. Following his years in banking Harri has assumed a number of Board and Advisor roles in emerging companies, especially in environmental technology, communications technology and healthcare sectors.

Fredrik Nordström

Fredrik Nordström


Fredrik has 20+ years of experience from leading roles in ABB’s and Wärtsilä’s global operations. Having mastered in Analytical Chemistry, Fredrik started his work career having quality and product development roles in the process industry. Later, he moved on to lead global Operational Development and Excellence programs in leading global  technology companies and most recently acted as senior advisor for establishing an innovative High-Tech operations centre.

Leo Hatjasalo

Leo Hatjasalo

CTO & Founder

Leo has decades of experience in interdisciplinary technologies, and productization, industrialization and commercialization of innovations. The most significant of these include the intelligent emergency evacuation system, the MILS®-System. He also founded the industrial nano-structural diffractive optics (DO) related Companies, Modilis Ltd and Oy Modines Ltd., which were acquired by Amazon Inc.

Kari Rinko

Kari Rinko

IPR & Founder

Kari has decades of experience in optics and material science as well as the IPR´s. He was CTO for the MILS®-System as well as Modilis and Modines Ltd, which were acquired by Amazon Inc. Kari spent 5 years at Amazon leading optical team and new production industrialization in Europe and Asia.


Keimo Kalliosaari


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Topic of interest

Veijo Kauppinen


“This is the best that has happened in the mechanical engineering industry in decades!“